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Michelle Geiss of Impact Hub Baltimore

Black Podcasting - Michelle Geiss of Impact Hub Baltimore

About the guest

Michelle Geiss serves as a Co-Founder and Executive Director of Impact Hub Baltimore. As a community workspace supporting 500+ social entrepreneurs annually, Impact Hub Baltimore and its members are building a local economy that advances equity, innovation, and civic wealth. She draws on eighteen years experience in program design and strategy for social innovation and social enterprise. She was born outside of Philadelphia, educated in Maine, and worked on four continents, before coming to Baltimore in 2011 for an MPH at Hopkins School of Public Health. She sources inspiration and enlightenment from Baltimore’s committed grassroots leadership every day. Michelle believes that we must bravely and creatively step into creating a more just, joyful, and abundant world together.

The Truth In This Art
The Truth In This Art is a podcast interview series supporting vibrancy and development of Baltimore & beyond’s arts and culture.

Mentioned in this episode:
Impact Hub Baltimore

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