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Meditation: The Answer to all your problems? #GMfaves

Black Podcasting - Meditation: The Answer to all your problems? #GMfaves

I’m traveling through the end of the month with my mom, sister, aunt, and grandma! We are birthday cruising through Italy and Greece, sponsored by my favorite skincare brand, MadHippie! New episodes resume on Aug 7! I love you!  #Season3 Dear God, When I am stressed, remind me: Only one thing is needed. Remind me to meditate. Remind me to feel You. Remind me that in Your presence, there is no problem. I Love you, Nik Support the show!: ▶▶ _________________________________ Today’s Quotes:  *”Divine Mother, when I am stressed remind me: only one thing is needed.” -Yogananda        “Divine life can be summed up in two words: Detach- Attach. Detach from the world, attach to the Lord. ” -Swami Sivananda  “The Silent Voice of reason.” -@ThePresenceofAwareness via IG “I cannot imagine how religious people can live satisfied without the practice of the presence of God. For my part, I keep myself retired with Him in the fund or center of my soul as much as I can, and while I am so with Him, I fear nothing, but the least turning from Him is insupportable.” -Brother Lawrence “Solve all your problems through meditation. Exchange unprofitable religious speculations for actual God-contact. Clear your mind of dogmatic theological debris; let in the fresh, healing waters of direct perception. Attune yourself to the active inner Guidance; the Divine Voice has the answer to every dilemma of life. Though man’s ingenuity for getting himself into trouble appears to be endless, the Infinite Succor is no less resourceful. -Lahiri Mahasaya  “I have found a way to live in the presence of the Lord And It’s all in the Name.  Hare Ram Ram Ram Sita Ram Ram Ram.”  -Krishna Das, from the song- ‘God is Real’  “Something deeper and greater than yourself will flow out into visible expression. It, then will do what we interpret as healing work, although actually what appears as healing work will be the dissolution of material sense. When there is no material sense there is no personal sense of “I” to sin, to be sick, or to be poor… when there is no longer any personal “I “, what is left? GOD! God, the Father, appearing as God, the Son, in all of God’s glory.” -Joel Goldsmith , The Infinite Way Concordance 

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