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Marvel Hacks Season 2, Ep 2

Black Podcasting - Marvel Hacks Season 2, Ep 2

The Marvel Hacks are back with issue #2. In Blerd Notes We talk the Stan Lee health scare, the potential of a directors cut for the Last Jedi, and how DC fans stay being the worst ahead of Black Panther and our reaction to the Ant-Man and Wasp trailer. This week we Review Marvel 2 in 1 #2, The Flash 39, and talk the conclusion/return of Jean Grey. Plus the next world changing event Avengers: No Surrender is a case of classic modern comics… thats not a good thing. Plus who the hell if Voyager and why her introduction is on some Sentry type mess. A fun listen with The Producer from Brothascomics, The Sandman, and Brother Beavis

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