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How we are able to do what we do

Black Podcasting - How we are able to do what we do

Every single day of the week, I have friends that work for the NY Times, CNN, MSNBC, and other major news outlets that tell me the same story. It goes something like this:

“Shaun, I would get fired if I said what you say. We can’t call out the Apartheid of Israel. We aren’t even allowed to call it Palestine. We can’t call out the Democratic Party and we damn sure can’t call out Joe Biden. And time and space are RARELY made to cover police violence and white supremacy like you do.”

That right there, is why we have this podcast. It’s why we started The North Star.

And it’s WHY I am asking you to PLEASE become a new paid member to support our work TODAY! For the next 31 days we are going to be fighting, kicking, scratching, clawing our way to get just 6,000 NEW PAID MEMBERS @ and I am asking YOU, yes you, to join us.

We simply won’t be able to continue doing what we do without hitting that goal!

If you have ever enjoyed this podcast, my articles, or anything good you see me doing in the world, please become a member now @ can join for as little as $8.

You can cancel anytime.

You can become a monthly or annual member.

And all of what you pay goes to underwrite the cost of our staff, our hardware, our software, and all of the other costs of doing what we do.

We are only able to be so damn fearless because we aren’t funded by big corporations. We aren’t funded by big investors or funds. We are FULLY INDEPENDENT.

So, get us closer to our goal and join today @!

Love and appreciate you all!


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