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God will never give you Peace in something you were never meant to settle in.

Black Podcasting - God will never give you Peace in something you were never meant to settle in.

Nothing is in the way,

every obstacle has been removed.

Your path is clear.

And the Guidance?

You’re hearing It now…

Hold that body like it’s royalty,

sit and stand like you’re balancing a crown.

Greet everyone like you are the Source of Joy,

like you are the Cup of Love.

You give like you’ll never run out,

because you won’t,

you can’t,

because you know the Source behind the source.

You’re being the Source beyond, 

when you’re practicing the Sound within. 

I Love You

I Am You


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“The Universe will never give you peace in something you were never meant to settle in.” – unknown

“Jesus did not come into this world to make bad people good. He came to make dead people live.” – Ravi Zacharias

 “Be thankful for the thorns and thistles which keep you from being in love with this world.” -Charles Spurgeon

“You have no idea how good life is about to get for you. 2024 will be a year many unexpectedly fulfilling things meet you on your path. You’ve made room. You’ve shed old skin. You’re confronting your conditionings head on and with that comes a type of elevated energy that accelerates the blossoming of your highest self. You deserve all the good that exists on the other side of healing.” – @SourceMMessages

“He, who carries on the practice of the true sound, Beholds the Truth from the beginning to the end within his body. By realizing the true Sound with rapt attention, He attains the status of a pure swan. Such a devotee reaches the Immortal Abode, And there he sees mysterious and wondrous sights.” -Sant Dariya Sahib of Bihar, Dariya Sagar – Ocean of Dariya via IG @santmat 

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