Title: Friendship, Violence, and the Jouney of Healing with Mickie Morency
Episode Notes:
In this enlightening session of Black Writer Thereapy, join your host, Ella Shawn, a published author, and unlicensed therapist, as she engages in a deep conversation with debut author and immigrant advocate, Micki Morency. Prepare to delve into the heart of Micki’s debut novel, “The Island Sisters,” and explore the urgent issues it addresses.
Micki Morency, an immigrant herself, arrived in the United States during the 1970s and soon became a powerful voice for women of color. Together with Ella Shawn, they shed light on the pervasive yet often overlooked topic of domestic violence against Black immigrant women. They discuss the cultural normalization of sexism, the challenges faced by Black women within the publishing industry’s white default, and the profound significance of friendship and sisterhood for Black women in their pursuit of empowerment.
Through this intimate and thought-provoking conversation, Micki Morency invites us to challenge societal norms and foster a greater understanding of the struggles faced by marginalized communities. Prepare to be inspired, encouraged, and enlightened as Ella and Micki unveil the layers of truth, resilience, and hope within Micki’s powerful debut novel.
Call to Action:
1. Grab a copy of “The Island Sisters” and support Micki Morency’s empowering literary journey. Available wherever you purchase books.
2. Share this episode with your friends, family, and social networks to spread awareness about the important issues discussed.
3. Join the conversation! Leave a comment on our Patreon page or reach out to us on social media to share your thoughts, experiences, or questions related to today’s episode.
Remember, together we can make a difference and create a more inclusive and empowered world for all. Tune in to this impactful session of the Black Writer Therapy podcast, now!
National Domestic Violence Hotline
- How important are unconditional friendships in sustaining Black women in various stages of their lives?
- What are some of the ways a person can tell that their friend is in trouble?
- What is the magic ingredient stirred into Black women’s writing that makes it an instant classic?
Guest: Micki Berthelot Morency the middle child of a Haitian family of seven and grew up fighting to be seen and heard. My family is close-knit and we emigrated to the US in the 1970s via Boston. I worked hard to achieve the American dream, despite many barriers such as language, climate, culture, and the social pains of living in a new country that at times rejects you and the loss of leaving everything and everyone that were dear to me behind. I graduated from Northeastern University (Boston) and The Institute for Writers.
I started my professional career in corporate America in finance and transitioned to the social service sector, where I found my passion. I worked as a Case Manager at a transitional housing for homeless women and their children, where my job was to empower them to break the cycle of dependence, poverty, and abuse.
My culture and experience have prepared me to write and subsequently promote this…