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Episode 64 – Holiday Conversations: High Blood Pressure, Stroke, and Dementia

Black Podcasting - Episode 64 - Holiday Conversations: High Blood Pressure, Stroke, and Dementia

In this episode of the Black Health 365 podcast, Britt and Jackie are joined by Dr. Richard T. Benson, who is the Director of the Office of Global Health and Health Disparities at the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, which is a part of the U.S. National Institutes of Health, and Brady Johnson, who is a stroke survivor and ambassador at the American Stroke Association. Together, they emphasize the importance of having healthy conversations with your loved ones about health during this holiday season. These conversations can range from simple check-ins to learning about family history and discussing the risks associated with uncontrolled high blood pressure that might run in the family. They also encourage conversations about how to prevent and act fast in case of a stroke and the risk factors that may lead to dementia. Britt and Jackie hope to inspire  our community to take preventative measures and act fast to ensure good health.

Richard T. Benson, M.D., Ph.D., is Director of the Office of Global Health and Health Disparities at the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, part of the U.S. National Institutes of Health. He is a leader in the fields of vascular neurology and health disparities research. His areas of research interest and expertise include health disparities and health equity research, and minority, community, and global health.

Brady Johnson is a stroke survivor and ambassador at the American Stroke Association. He is a retired Air Force veteran. Once an avid marathoner, he is now a competitive bodybuilder and singer. He hails from Belvidere, Illinois, and is happily married to his wife, Heather. He is also a proud father of two children.

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