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Episode 60 | “Who is him”

Black Podcasting - Episode 60 | “Who is him”

Da den was full of laughs this episode as the guys were joined by a long time Homie Jamal!! The guys kick the show off with Daeo’s father day and his soft hand massage (3:25) what age do you stop expecting gifts (16:20) and what’s the weakest restaurant Dblock took a woman to and got laid after (36:48) they also discuss Bow wow vs souja boy and bow wow’s legacy (51:43) and is Fast 9 worth going to see (1:01:10) Jamal tells us about his Jamaica trip and the difference between the women (1:20:00) as well as the craziest thing he’s seen on the job patrolling the streets of Chicago (1:37:50) and much more!!!! #platinumcookies #applejacks #londonpoundcake #orangecookies

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