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Episode 18: Faith Won’t Work Unless You Do!

Black Podcasting - Episode 18: Faith Won't Work Unless You Do!

Welcome to Imagine Faith Talk, the podcast where we believe that faith in God is the key to unlocking everything you’ve been called to be. 

After hours of prayers and positive declarations, repeating God’s word to your situation, still no result. Do you think that’s God’s plan?

You have a ball at point A; to take it to point B, do you stand there praying that miraculously it moves by itself without external interference? Or do you apply an action, kicking the ball and then praying that God makes it go all the way to point B?

It is very easy to get carried away with faith in God’s word that we forget we need to do the work. In this episode, hosts Kevin and Donovan talked about how to move in faith and activate kinetic faith with full authority.

Listen in, learn, and be inspired.

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Notable Quotes.

[01:28] Maybe one of the reasons you are tired of success is that you are carrying a dead weight

[03:04] Exhaustion comes in on our path of faith when we carry unnecessary weight.

[06:48] The participation of heaven is like the gravitational force that pulls it down once you release it.

[07:20] Once you work, faith gets activated because without work what you have is a dead faith.

[22:34] We are not considering how if I just move one step of faith after the other, I will have the contribution of momentum on my side.

[26:08] Oftentimes, we want to get there so fast, what about the development we miss along the way?

Talking points.

[00:24] Reminisces on the season’s journey so far.

[02:12] Faith without works is dead.

[30:29] Why intimacy with God is important for direction.

Scriptures mentioned

James 2: 4-26

Mark 2: 3-5 and 11-12

Daniel 3: 16-18

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