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Episode 179 – Pride and Deadbeat Aunties

Black Podcasting - Episode 179 - Pride and Deadbeat Aunties

Whew, chile, the hiatus!

DeeAsia and SoSo are back from an unexpected break with a special guest for Pride. Join them and their guest, the Black Beer Geek, as they uncork what’s been going on since 2022, review their latest finds, catch up with Courtney and find out what she’s been doing and what new things are happening in the beer industry as it relates to the LGBTQIA+ community, and answer the Wine Trivia question of the week.

Vote for Courtney:

Podcast: @badandboozypod
DeeAsia: @brainsnbuns
SoSo: @fabfreshandfly
Courtney: @black_beer_geek


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