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EP50 – Parijat Deshpande IVF Story, High Risk Pregnancy, Preterm Birth, and Delivering Miracles

Black Podcasting - EP50 - Parijat Deshpande IVF Story, High Risk Pregnancy, Preterm Birth, and Delivering Miracles

For the month of June we are talking about infertility and IVF success stories on the Sisters in Loss podcast. In today’s episode we have Parijat Deshpande a High Risk Pregnancy Expert who shares her IVF journey and High Risk pregnancy.  She discusses how she ended up on bedrest after going into early labor at 22 weeks.  She was able to deliver her son at 24 weeks, after managing the emotional stress of preterm labor, birth, and being on bedrest.  Parijat hosts the Delivering Miracles podcast where they discuss the real, raw side of fertility, pregnancy, prematurity and the postpartum period.  In this episode Parijat and I share our journey’s being preemie moms and spending time in the NICU, how she used mindful techniques to reduce stress while being on bedrest, and her inspiration for the work she is doing to help other women have Healthy High Risk Pregnancies.  Parijat has a new book coming out on June 25th called Pregnancy Brain be sure to check it out on Amazon or her website


Parijat’s Bio Parijat Deshpande is the leading high-risk pregnancy wellness expert who guides women to manage their physical and emotional stress to help themselves stay pregnant as long as possible so they can give their baby a strong start to life. She is also the host of Delivering Miracles®, a podcast that discusses the real, raw side of fertility, pregnancy, prematurity and the postpartum period. After personally experiencing loss, infertility, a very complicated pregnancy and the extremely preterm delivery of her son, Parijat empowers women to take charge of their health and shows them how they can experience medical miracles. Her book Pregnancy Brain: A Mind-Body Approach to Reducing Stress and Creating Miracles During Your High-Risk Pregnancy is coming in June 25, 2018. Parijat is trained in clinical psychology and is a women’s wellness specialist as well as an experienced speaker on the impact of stress on health and wellness.

Parijat’s Social Links







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