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Ep. 629 – Joe Biden & The Democratic Party have failed to meet the severity and enormity of the moment we are in

Black Podcasting - Ep. 629 - Joe Biden & The Democratic Party have failed to meet the severity and enormity of the moment we are in

We knew 2 months ago that it was all but a sure thing that Roe v Wade would be overturned and that millions of women would lose their civil and human rights as a result.

Joe Biden and The White House had MONTHS to prepare for this moment. Months. And instead they’ve offered a few badly delivered words and a bunch of fundraising emails in response to it all.

Guess what conservatives did? They passed robust laws months ago, state by state, that would be immediately triggered if Roe was overturned. THEY were prepared to meet this moment.

And even though Democrats have real options on what they can do, and what they should fight for, they’ve taken virtually none of them.

It’s time that we begin thinking of new people to lead the party – from the top down.

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