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Ep. 17: Aunt-Tea Time

Black Podcasting - Ep. 17: Aunt-Tea Time

Get ready for another hilarious episode of the Dear Aunty podcast! This week, Carm and Koe are weighing in on what's been happening on these internet streets! From embarassing song lyrics to beauty secrets and stupid surgeries – you're in for a treat on today's show!

The aunties are giving you their thoughts on the craziness going down on these internet streets! Tap in with them on IG @DearAuntyTV and email your questions to


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00:00 Intro

00:40 Wellness Check

02:09 Aunty's Over It

09:30 Aunt-TEA Time

13:10 Protective Styles SCAM

16:40 First Date Etiquette

19:18 Fax Me Please

21:17 Aunty's Beauty Secrets

24:20 Eyebrow Extensions 

27:20 Black Twitter Shares Beauty Secrets

30:10 Aunty Lauryn, WHY?!

34:10 2 Years TOO Soon!

38:30 TOO Old or Nah?

40:20 Beauty Supply BBL

42:56 Dear Aunty

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