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Ep 161 The Origin of the “Snitch”

Black Podcasting - Ep 161 The Origin of the “Snitch”

You’re in for a special treat as One Eleven’s special guests provide insightful thoughts about this weeks hot topic!

Snitching generally has a negative connotation and often is defined as ‘to secretly tell someone in authority that someone else has done something bad”. And usually the person ‘snitching’ is considered a bad person. It’s been embedded in us from the time many of us were small.

But, is there a difference between snitching and telling? Is the person who snitch involved or is there a level of self preservation that kicks in to ensure justice is served? And to what extent is snitching the right thing to do?

You will be enlighten by the perspective of the guests and realize that there are many ways to see the truth and the origin of snitching.

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