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Day 229 Pleasure and Priorities by Lindsey Capron

Black Podcasting - Day 229 Pleasure and Priorities by Lindsey Capron

📌 Bible Study & Devotional 229

Read Today’s Assigned Passages

Guiding Scripture: Proverbs 21:17 He who loves pleasure will be a poor man; he who loves wine and oil will not be rich.

Pleasure and Priorities

By contributing writer: Lindsey Capron

In this age of social media, the obsession with leading and living a life of luxury and pleasure has never been higher. Gone are the days of 30-minute TV segments of champagne wishes and caviar dreams with Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous and MTV Cribs. We have access to what can bring us pleasure and luxury 24 hours a day at the touch of a button.

The world screams that we should throw caution to the wind, forget our responsibilities, and live like there’s no tomorrow by seeking as much pleasure as possible while looking like the hottest celebrities. There are no consequences. Just feel-good moments that take us on a high, leaving us wanting more and more until it’s never enough.

We’ll spend, spend, spend while digging ourselves deeper into debt because of the love of luxury and pleasure.


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Connect with Lindsey Capron at

Lindsey is a speaker and blogger of her Christian lifestyle blog Love Grace and Light. Passionate about writing and studying God’s word, Lindsey blogs about the lesson and blessings God gives in the extraordinary and every day with truth and a twist of humor. Lindsey has been featured in both national and international magazine such as VoyageMIA, Shout Out Miami, and Beauty and the Gospel. Lindsey currently resides in Fort Lauderdale, FL with her wonderful husband, Donovan.

This devotional was submitted by Lindsey Capron, a loving contributor to Our Given Purpose. Edited by Torrie Slaughter the founder of Our Given Purpose® in the Commonwealth of Virginia.


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