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Day 216 Division is a Distraction by Christina Price

Black Podcasting - Day 216 Division is a Distraction by Christina Price

Bible Study & Devotional 216

Guiding Scripture: 1 COrinthians 1:17 “For Christ didn’t send me to baptize, but to preach the Good News—and not with clever speech, for fear that the cross of Christ would lose its power”

Division is a Distraction

Contributing Writer: Christina Price

One of the greatest accomplishments and challenges of my mine was completing my first book called “Saved by Choice”. It is a devotional memoir that discusses my journey in building a relationship with Christ. Aside from the hurdles of writing, formatting, and publishing the book, the biggest insecurity I faced was acceptance. Especially by other believers.

As we begin our journey within the church of Corinth, Paul starts his letter with thanksgiving to God and addresses the division of the church head on. As we read in the first chapter, the church Corinth becomes distracted by the vessels of God (i.e., Apollos, Peter, Paul) instead of finding unity in the message (Good News of Christ).


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Christina Price on Instagram and visit to purchase her devotional memoir Saved By Choice

Christina was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, and grew up in a Hindu household.  She accepted Jesus as a teenager after being introduced to Christianity by her mother, who became saved herself just a few years before passing away from cancer. After walking away from her faith for years, Christina recommitted her life to Christ as an adult and is now passionate about the Lord and serving others. She believes sharing her experiences will encourage readers to stretch past the superficial trappings of life, and embrace the sovereignty of God’s purpose in their lives.

This devotional was submitted by Christina Price, a loving contributor to Our Given Purpose. Edited by Torrie Slaughter the founder of Our Given Purpose® in the Commonwealth of Virginia.

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