Welcome to another episode of "Thought Of An Average Joe." Today Taroy brings on someone he looks up to in the podcast space Clint Coley. They discuss podcasts, sports, women, and running your race. This episode is old but Taroy wanted to drop it so the listeners can say just how far he has come from five years ago to now. Thank you for listening.
Clint Coley Social Media:
IG & Twitter: (@ clintcoley)
Podcast: Advice From A F*ck Boy Podcast – Apple Podcasts
Youtube: Comedian Clint Coley – YouTube
WEBSITE IS NOW UP!!!! www.theaveragejoemedia.com
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Also if you want to be featured on the Creative Corner Segment, Podcast Plug Segment, or Everybody Eats Segment email me at admin@averagejt.com
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Follow the twitter: averagejtpc
Follow the Instagram: (@averagejtpc) (@theoriginalplaymaker) & (@theaveragejoemedia)
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Email: admin@averagejt.com and admin@theajmedia.com