Today’s Quote: “If God is the center of your life, no words are necessary. Your mere presence will touch hearts.” – St. Vincent Depaul Today’s Practice: Silently bless everyone you meet on your path. Feel Love inside while you look at people. Feel the Love that you are, where you see people. Be still and know (feel) the Kingdom of Love, where the eyes register the world. I find that holding ‘others’ in the Light, keeps ‘me’ in the Light, consciously. This Light dissolves the concepts of ‘other’, and ‘me’… revealing the Truth that right where we appear to be, there’s only this Light, shining. Only this one Light. Just One Love appearing as you, as me, as everything.
Beginning Aug 7, 2023 – ‘GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki’ will host pre and post roll ads within the back catalogue.