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Affirm: “God is Here, Fear is Gone.”

Black Podcasting - Affirm: "God is Here, Fear is Gone."

Ask yourself, “Am I seeking to be supplied, or am I Supply? Do I need love, or am I Love? ” I’ll meet you in and AS the Answer. I Love you, Nik   Come meditate with us TONIGHT at 7pm ET on  Spotify! Please share with a friend so we can practice Love together!

LOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE): ▶▶ Go(o)d Mornings merch: ▶▶ _________________________________ Today’s Quotes:

“It is very difficult to attain Self abidance, but once it is attained it is retained effortlessly and never lost. It is a little like putting a rocket into space. A great effort and a great energy are necessary to escape the earth’s gravitational field. If the rocket is not going fast enough, gravity will pull it back to earth. But once it has escaped the pull of gravity it can stay out in space quite effortlessly without falling back to earth.” -David Godman “Where you have worry and fear the most is where you need to trust God the most.” -@HerTrueWorth via IG “It’s hard to sit  with what is  when what is  is not what you want it to be.  But let’s not  skip to the end.  Sit with what is and continue to let  the Light pour in.” -Tanner Olson via IG @writtentospeak “Are you seeking to be supplied or are you supply?” -Jennifer Clawson via FB “As you practice building a home in yourself, you become more and more beautiful.” -Thich Nhat Hanh

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