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86. Restore Your Body, Mind, Heart, and Spirit with Laura Saldivar Luna, CEO of Pinata Possible

Black Podcasting - 86. Restore Your Body, Mind, Heart, and Spirit with Laura  Saldivar Luna, CEO of Pinata Possible

How integrated are you with your body, mind, heart, and spirit?


For this Women of Color Rise podcast, I speak with Laura Saldivar Luna, CEO of Pinata Possible,  a transformational coaching practice committed to helping leaders access powerful breakthroughs to unprecedented possibility, well-being, and social good.


Laura shares how as she transitioned from being Chief People Officer at Teach for America, she needed to restore her wholeness before determining her next career chapter.


Laura shares advice about how to reconnect our body, mind, heart, and spirit:

  1. Embrace space – Laura went from back to back meetings to an open calendar. While this was unchartered territory for her, Laura embraced not having a plan and having space to explore.

  2. Be in your body – Laura found that reconnecting with her body meant moving her body. She found a dance class where she was surrounded by retired women who were fully expressing themselves individually while celebrating the collective.

  3. Work with a coach – Laura worked with an executive coach to help her get clear on her goals for her health, wealth, self-expression, and love. These goals were based on how she wanted to feel during the experience of accomplishing her goals. For example, in her marriage, she wanted it to feel light and easy. So instead of saying things to be right, she would pause and ask, “Do I want to be right or do I want to be in love?”

  4. Focus on the cracks – Laura looked at where in her life she wanted something different and pinpointed her marriage, motherhood, and health. She took responsibility for how she was showing up.


Laura is a wonderful model about how we can integrate all parts of ourselves to show up as the partner, friend, leader, and human we want to be.


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