Daddy’s Little Girls is a 2007 American romantic comedy-drama film written and directed by Tyler Perry and produced by Perry and Reuben Cannon. The film stars Idris Elba, Gabrielle Union, Louis Gossett Jr., and Tracee Ellis Ross. It tells the story of a lawyer who helps a mechanic in a custody battle against his mean-spirited ex-wife over who will get custody of their daughters.
Monty (Idris Elba), a mechanic, struggles to make ends meet and raise his three young daughters alone. When his drug-dealing ex-wife wins custody of the girls in court, he enlists the help of Julia (Gabrielle Union), a successful attorney, to get the girls back. Romance unexpectedly blooms between the pair, but the couple must come to terms with their very different lives and find a way to keep Monty’s family together.
BlackBusters is a podcast focused on reviewing, celebrating, re-living and critiquing Black film. From the movies we all know and love to those hidden gems, there is no movie too big or small to be praised or roasted.
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