Fresh is a 1994 American crime drama film written and directed by Boaz Yakin in his directorial debut, also produced by Randy Ostrow and Lawrence Bender. It was scored by Stewart Copeland, a member of the Police. The story revolves around a preteen boy named Michael, nicknamed Fresh (portrayed by Sean Nelson), who runs drugs for gangsters. Inspired by the chess lessons of his father, an alcoholic speed-chess master (Samuel L. Jackson), Fresh devises and executes a brilliant plan to extricate himself and his drug-addicted sister (N’Bushe Wright) from their hopeless lives.
BlackBusters is a podcast focused on reviewing, celebrating, re-living and critiquing Black film. From the movies we all know and love to those hidden gems, there is no movie too big or small to be praised or roasted.
Join our hosts Director/Comedian/Actor @biggjah and movie/podcast connoisseur Tony Price as they explore the legacy, impact and influence of Black cinema.
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