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54. The EQ Edge with Marcelle Fowler, Chief Coaching Officer, C-Suite Coach

Black Podcasting - 54. The EQ Edge with Marcelle Fowler, Chief Coaching Officer, C-Suite Coach

What’s more important to rising in your career: hard skills or soft skills?


For this Women of Color Rise episode, Analiza talks with Marcelle Fowler, Chief Coaching Officer, C-Suite Coach. C-Suite Coach is a multimillion-dollar, Black Woman-owned business that empowers diverse professionals through leadership coaching and diversity, equity and inclusion programming. 

Marcelle brings more than 30 years’ experience in organizational effectiveness, talent development and internal communications with companies such as Capital One, Dow Chemical and UPS. Over the course of her career, Marcelle has coached C-Suite executives, County Police Chiefs and US Navy Commanders.

Through her experience coaching women of color leaders, Marcelle shares a few common struggles women of color face in rising in their career including developing EQ or soft skills especially with communication and relationship management. EQ skills include self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and social management. Marcelle shares how important soft skills are, so much so that in corporations, these are now called Essential Skills. She shares how to develop these skills:

Marcelle shares how she got a job because she had built a personal connection with a senior leader of the hiring team.

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