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114. Relational and Erotic Intelligence with Angelika Alana

Black Podcasting - 114. Relational and Erotic Intelligence with Angelika Alana

In this episode of the Open Late Podcast, Jess connects with Angelika Alana Drake, a guide to relational and erotic intelligence. Their discussion revolves around daily practices of inner self-devotion and their impact on inner energetic levels. Angelika delves into how we perceive sex and the types of attachments we form. She explains that as we reach certain levels of understanding, we can approach sex in more emotionally connected ways. Angelika also explores how sex can facilitate healing from sexual trauma and the concept of sexual self-actualization. The conversation touches upon the idea of erotic innocence and how our fears influence our parenting. They also delve into the significance of committing to intimacy and the importance of prioritizing sex within relationships.

In this Episode of Open Late:

Connect with Angelika Alana Drake:

• Instagram: @angelikaalana

• Website:

• Podcast:Awakened Love:

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1:41  I just felt like you had this calmness to you, this centeredness that nothing could really throw you off. – Jessica Esfandiary


4:21 I really do believe that every single human is capable of actualizing their fullest energetic potential through devotion to practice. -Angelika Drake


5:12 We have the fundamental basic physical needs for safety and security, and then we move into emotional needs and then a sense of belonging and significance. Then we move up, up, up until we get to that tip of the triangle, which is self-actualization. – Angelika Drake

11:36 It’s interesting to look at sex in a strategic way, the same way we would a devotional spiritual practice. It’s the business of health. – Jessica Esfandiary

19:30 If a kid is masturbating in public, we do want to give them social programming, that isn’t what we do. It’s not a safe or appropriate thing to do, but without shaming them, that act itself or that they themselves are somehow wrong or bad. Being able to talk about safe spaces and safety and that you can touch anywhere on your own body, but no one else should touch your body, And if an adult ever touches your body, you come to me and you can tell me and you will never get in trouble. – Angelika Drake


23:00 Purity is a trap. Purity is not just all good and all light. Purity is wholeness and wholeness includes and transcends to get to pure light. We include all colors, all experiences in the whole – That’s wholeness. It’s an inclusion and a sense of connection. But in order to be connected to these parts of ourselves, they have to be in our conscious awareness. – Angelika Drake

35:18 We live in a society where our bodies are the problem. Women as they’re starting to develop, it’s like, oh, that we have to cover that up. Pull your skirt down and don’t touch it. And it’s going to cause a problem and it’s going to get you hurt. -Jessica Esfandiary

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