“Our relationship to food, money, love is a reflection about the deepest held beliefs about ourselves.”
Episode Summary:
Suicidal, at the bottom of her suffering after 17 years of perpetual dieting, Geneen Roth found the key to overcome compulsive eating. She shares with us the steps she took to establish a healthy relationship with food after gaining and losing over 1000 pounds. Her experience over many years has led her to become a national best-selling author, linking body image and perpetual dieting with deeply spiritual issues.
Some Questions I Ask:
- Is there a first step towards breaking a dieting pattern?
- How can you distance yourself from the voice in your head?
- Why does someone binge?
- How does someone shift a binging pattern within themselves?
- What are the eating guidelines?
In This Episode You Will Learn:
- How your beliefs affect your relationship with food.
- Why your relationship with food is a reflection of your life.
- 4 steps to shift your binging pattern.
- How awareness in your body can help you prevent binging.
- The importance of acknowledging feelings in life and the relationship with food.